
Hope's Legacy Starring Dyan Cannon

A young woman enters the world of competitive horse sports while friends and family help her grab life by the reins to make her dreams come

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What happens behind the scenes of the most popular game in the land? Late Rounders follows graduating college football players as they attempt to take the next step in their careers and make the 53-man roster on an NFL football team. Beyond the glamor of Sunday Game day, Late Rounders reveals the complex underbelly that college athletes must traverse to make their way into the pros. It's a world where everyday is an uphill battle and everyday brings them 24 hours closer to the gut-wrenching reality they may face if their dreams don't come through on draft day. Produced by Veracity TV

Sometimes hope is all you need, but sometimes it can be hard to find. Faced with the death of her beloved grandmother, Lizzie now focuses on the farm, her horses and three day eventing. With her upcoming marriage to James threatened and challenged by a beautiful girl from James’s past, Lizzy must learn to stand on her own two feet but with Legacy by her side she can do it. It’s a competitive world but she’s determined to make it work in ‘Hope’s Legacy’. Starring Dyan Cannon. DBM Films.

Starring Dyan Cannon | Taylor Lyons | Allen Williamson | Ken Arnold | Jodi Dawson | Dylan Steele | Steffanie Smith | Brian Landis
Produced by Douglas B. Maddox  Written by Simon Parker  Directed by Douglas B. Maddox

SexNo sexual references
LanguageNo bad language
ViolenceNo violence
DrugsNo drug use or references
NudityNo Nudity
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Released 2020
Genre Documentary
Rentals Last 24 hours
Runtime 01:35:00
Date Limits Starts 10/13/2020